Three Questions and Answers about My Memorial Walks
Welcome to my blog, whether you somehow got here directly or followed a message and link like the following:. THE FIRST MEMORIAL MARATHON WALK THE START, THE THREE LOOPS, AND THE FINISH OF THE MEMORIAL MARATHON WALK SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 27, 2021, LORD WILLING You may or may not have seen this personal tidbit about my getting ready to go out on my weekly, longer memorial walk, usually done now on Saturdays, “My weekly long walk planned for February 27, 2021 ended up being a literal marathon, taking place from 4:59 a.m.- 12:43 p.m. on that day. I woke up early, which means “before 4 a.m.,” and I could not go back to sleep. For that reason, I got up, did my first early morning routine chores, got ready for my long walk, and got an early start.” Before I continue with my more specific “Memorial Marathon Walk” notes from February 27, let's briefly consider the answers to three related questions. First, what does a memorial walk mean to me? A normal memorial ...