Concerning the Boston Red Sox

On August 22, 2013 we wrote an article called "2013 Red Sox's Last Three Initial Team Objectives." On August 29, 2013 Yahoo! Voices officially published it. You may read the article by clicking on the hyperlink.

The Spanish version of this second article is also available on our Spanish blog, which you may access, if you are interested, at the following site.

Follow your Red Sox this weekend. They may tie or meet the second of their four initial team objectives this weekend or on Monday!

Let's go, Red Sox!

P.S. If you want to read the first article written about the four initial team objectives for the Boston Red Sox, you may use this hyperlink.

The Spanish version of this first article is also available on our Spanish blog. If interested, look for the entries for days 20-8-13 and 21-8-13 at this site.

Ambrose Powell was born and raised in the New England area of the United States. He currently teaches English in Valencia, Venezuela and follows New England professional sports teams from there.


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