#AKIRA COMMENTS 2: About My Breed

Hello. What do you smell like?

It's time for you to take a little quiz to test your intelligence. If you have not read my previous article, look for it and read it before you try to answer the following questions. The link can be found at the bottom of this page.

Answer the five questions below.

1. What is my name?

Yes, my name is Akira.

2. What does "Akira" mean? Yes, Akira means "intelligent" or "clever."

3. Why did my owner decide to call me "Akira"?

She thought "Akira" was a unique name for a unique dog. 4. How did my owner know that there were other animals called "Akira"? In a popularity contest, she found out that there were two or three other smart dogs like me who were also named "Akira". 5. What would Robert Burns have said upon discovering that my supposedly unique name was not so unique?

Burns wrote, "The best laid schemes of mice and men often go awry."


Here is the intimate picture that I promised you in my last article, because "a promise is a ..." What is the complete expression, and who wrote it many years ago?

What is my breed?

Hint: Dogs who looked a lot like my Dad appeared in the movies "The Mask" and "Archie."

If you are intelligent enough to know the answers to my last three questions, come back here and write them in the Comments Section of this article. You can also leave your other comments there. Just come back and visit me again real soon!

Thanks for your moral and written support as I take my trainer out for his walks.

Have a good day and keep on getting good exercise!

Akira, Ambrosio's trainer

3rd Juan 2: I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.

  • Teaching English to Venezuelans in Venezuela and other countries.

  • Teaching English and/or Spanish to those who are not Venezuelans.

  • Sharing opinions about Professional Sports in New England.

  • Sharing about my sport of daily walking. 

  • Sharing reflections about the heart, life, and health.

PS. In her next note, Akira might tell you something about her lovely ears. You can also find her previous article at the following link:


You can also find Ambrosio at Blogueando desde Venezuela (Blogging from Venezuela), Facebook, Instagram, Twitter y Linkedin, as well as his other personal blogs. If you want to have access to his Main Blog at Blogueando desde Venezuela,” look for him over the internet or leave him a comment, indicating your desire and he will send an invitation. Although his main blog has a Spanish title, he uses both Spanish and English on the blog itself.


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