Reactivating My Sports Blog in English

“Problems with the internet are not usually due to the incapacity of the internet but rather to the incapacity of the user.”

As I mentioned in the brief previous entry to this blog, I was “trying to recuperate my four blogs,” one of which is this. I also mentioned a temporary, initial reordering unless I could "miraculously recuperate and connect” these blogs. Well, to paraphrase and apply what a friend once said to me, “Problems with the internet are not usually due to the incapacity of the internet but rather to the incapacity of the user.” I am happy to report that the miracle has occurred and my blogs are connected, have been recuperated, and are being reactivated. Actually, and more accurately, it is I, the user, who is reconnecting himself to them, recuperating his ability to work with them, and reactivating his communication by them; the blogs were doing and are doing just fine, thank you. So, once again, thank you for your patience.

Since today is Father's Day, I leave you with this key thought for your day and mine: 

Above all else that you take care of, guard your heart, because from it flows your life.” 

Proverbs 4:23

Stay tuned for future “musings from Venezuela about my major New England professional sports teams.”

Published by Ambrose Powell

Ambrose Powell was born and raised in the New England area of the United States. He currently teaches English in Valencia, Venezuela, and follows New England professional sports teams from there.


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