Four Teams Midway Through MLB's 2018 Season With a +38 #UBWS18 Score

Four Teams Midway Through MLB's 2018 Season 
With a +38 #UBWS18 Score

What is more exciting than just watching the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees battle for the American League (AL) East Division pennant once again? First, both teams have the realistic possibility of winning not only the East Division but also at least one hundred games! Secondly, the Houston Astros and the Seattle Mariners are also battling in the West Division of the same league, with both these teams also having the realistic possibility of winning not only the West Division but also at least one hundred games? What is so great about all this?

According to Wikipedia,

"...the 100-win threshold remains the hallmark of the best teams in a given season...."

"...To date, there have never been four 100-win Major League teams in a single season, and never more than two in a single league."

I celebrated July 1 by spending my day, among other things, reviving my previously used English #UBWS (Unless Big Win Streak) scoring system, now #UBWS18 statistics, which I have used to evaluate a team's position in its own division and its possibility of gaining a wild card spot for the postseason if it does not win the division. These UBWS18 statistics are based on the traditional total of ninety-five (95) victories (+28 UBWS18 score) to win first place in the division, automatically qualifying for the postseason playoffs, and a traditional total of ninety (90) victories (+18 UBWS18 score) to win a wild card spot for the postseason playoffs. In order for a team to win at least one hundred (100) victories, it would need a +38 UBWS18 score. 

At the end of June, there were five good AL teams: the three divisional leaders and one additional team right behind two of the divisional leaders. 

In the East Division

Boston Red Sox          (+43.6 UBWS18 score)
New York Yankees     (+42.4 UBWS18 score) 

In the West Division

Houston Astros         (+39.2 UBSW18 score)
Seattle Mariners        (+37.6 UBWS18 score)

In the Central Division

Cleveland Indians      (+24 UBWS18 score)

Although Cleveland will probably not win at least one hundred (100) games this season, the team is nicely positioned in its division and is expected to improve as the summer progresses. It may achieve its +28 UBWS18 score and will probably win its division, unless either the Detroit Tigers or the Minnesota Twins has a really big winning streak. 

Which teams will win the East and West Divisions of the AL? Which teams will win one hundred (100) victories this season? Which two good teams will end up in the risky one-game, wild card "series"? Keep your eyes on the baseball scoreboard, even while watching the World Cup matches!  

P.S. As a courtesy to you, if you are also following the Houston Astros and the Seattle Mariners, I shall continue to include their statistics in my occasional New England Sports blog entries.

Published by Ambrose Powell

Ambrose Powell was born and raised in the New England area of the United States. He currently teaches English in Valencia, Carabobo, Venezuela, and follows New England professional sports teams from there. You can find him on Facebook and Twitter as well as on this sports blog.



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