¡One Digital Trophy Earned (Nuun Unplugged & Recharged Challenge) and One Digital Trophy to Be Earned! Part 6

These days Akira and I have won an additional digital trophy, Nuun's "Unplug & Recharge" Challenge, and we have one more to win. Nuun's "Unplug & Recharge" challenge was similar in some ways but different from Shokz's "Pushing Your Limits," Hapbee "Choose Your Challenge," ) Le Col Form Finder Challenge (Get Fit), Strava's Walk (Distance), Roka Frozen 400 (Time Used to Exercise), and Laird Superfood (Time Used to Exercise).

Nuun Unplug & Recharge Challenge

Nuun Unplug & Recharge Challenge
February 2022

This challenge began on February 17 and ended on March 3, 2022. The challenge consisted of completing a minimum of 446 minutes (7 hours 26 minutes) of physical activity (walking, in my case) in two weeks. The athlete chose his sport. Akira and I finished this challenge a little after the middle of the month. Why was the quantity of 3 hours 43 minutes multiplied by two, equal to 446 minutes, chosen? It turns out that the average adult spends 3 hours and 43 minutes on his or her phone every day. We were challenged to take our eyes off the screen and invest that time in a fun new goal: 446 minutes of movement, the equivalent of just TWO phone days, one phone day per week. Who is going to write to me and tell me that he or she is going to accept the same challenge?

As I recounted in the previous five parts of this February 2022 series, I committed myself to doing the St. Jude "60 by 60" Challenge, which consisted of three days of weekly activity (walking, in my case) for four weeks, from February 7 to March 6, 2022 and to give a donation and promote donations on behalf of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. If you decide to give a donation to the hospital during the time of my challenge, you will be supporting me in my advertising campaign that is at almost 70% of the minimum goal that I proposed. The work carried out by St. Jude Children's Research Hospital deserves our full support.

  • Thank you for your financial, moral and written support as Akira and I walk!
    Have a nice day and keep exercising!
  •                 Akira                                      Ambrosio
  • 3 John 2: "I desire that you prosper in all things, and that you have good health, just as your soul prospers." YOUR NEW ENGLAND PROFESSIONAL SPORTS FAN AND WALKER REPORTING FROM VENEZUELA Teaching English to Venezuelans inside or outside Venezuela Teaching English and/or Spanish to non-Venezuelans Sharing opinions about New England Pro Sports Sharing about his sport of daily walks Sharing reflections from his heart about the heart, life and well-being
    You can find Ambrosio on "Blogueando desde Venezuela," Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin, as well as on his other blogs. If you want to have access to his Major Blog of “Blogueando desde Venezuela,” look for him on the internet or leave him a comment, indicating your wish and he will send you the invitation. The blog is handled in both Spanish and English.


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