Akira Comments 3: About My Breed and Ears


Hello. What do you taste like? It's time to take another little test. If you haven't read my previous articles, please find and read them before answering the following questions. Here are the links:



Answer the following questions.

1. What is my name? 2. What does "Akira" mean? 3. Who wrote the saying "A promise is a debt" many years ago? According to one source, the expression was popularized through several literary works by Spanish authors from the last part of the 'Golden Age' (first half of the 17th century), including Francisco de Quevedo. 4. What breed am I? In my last article I hinted that my parents and I are Jack Russell terriers, the same breed as the dogs featured in the movies "The Mask" and "Archie." ABOUT MY BEAUTIFUL EARS. . .

Take a good look at my ears in the photo at the top of the page and in the photo here on the left. Do you notice my floppy ears in the new photo? I am told that Jack Russell terriers normally have floppy or semi-floppy ears. However, my Mom and I like to keep them standing up. At one point it was thought that perhaps something strange had been introduced into our genetics, but the veterinarian said that some Jack Russell terriers sometimes prefer upright ears. The million dollar question: Do I have a genetic predisposition to upright ears or was I just brought up to follow my Mom's example? What do you think? For the next article, I will explain to you the origin of our breed's name "Jack Russell terrier." If you want to comment about my cute ears or leave some other comment, write it below in the comments section. Come back and visit me soon! Thank you for your moral and written support as I walk with my coach! Have a nice day and keep exercising!

Akira, Ambrosio's trainer 3 John 2: "I wish that you prosper in all things, and that you have good health, just as your soul prospers." COACHING YOUR NEW ENGLAND PROFESSIONAL SPORTS FAN WHO REPORTS FROM VENEZUELA Teaching English to Venezuelans inside or outside Venezuela Teaching English and/or Spanish to non-Venezuelans Sharing Opinions on New England Pro Sports Sharing about His Sport of Daily Walks Sharing Reflections from the heart about the heart, life, and wellbeing You can find Ambrosio on Blogging from Venezuela, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin, as well as on his other blogs. If you want to have access to his Major Blog “Blogging from Venezuela,” look for him on the internet or leave him a comment, indicating your wish and he will send you the invitation. The blog is handled in both Spanish and English.


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