SPORTS REPORT  June 28, 2013

A lot has been happening in Boston professional sports recently. Our Boston Bruins had a good shot at winning the Stanley Cup finals. Our #New England Patriots are in the news because of the Hernandez situation. Our #Boston Celtics lost the coach. They will face an apparent turnover in players. And, last but not least, our #Boston Red Sox team has reached the middle of its season. They are in first place in the Eastern Division of the American League. At their current pace, they could win 95 games and qualify for the postseason.

Concerning the Boston Red Sox

 The Red Sox won yesterday 7-4, beating the Toronto Blue Jays. Jon Lester pitched well, backed up by relievers Tazawa and Uehara. The batters had a big second inning, scoring all seven of their runs. All of the Boston batters had at least one hit, except for Mike Carp. I especially liked Dustin Pedroia's home run and Saltalamacchia's two hits.

As I stated yesterday, last night's game marked the midpoint in the Red Sox regular season. They are beyond what I anticipated from them at this point. The Sox are following my dream pace for them, with the possibility of winning 95 games and qualifying for the playoffs.Boston continues to march toward the goal of winning more games than last year and avoiding that terrible -48 #UBWS (Unless Big Win Streak) composite score. Today the Red Sox have a +31.2 UBWS score.

As of today, the daily UBWS composite score for each team in the Eastern Division looks like this:

  • Boston  +31.2
  • Baltimore  +24.4
  • New York Yankees  +21.8
  • Tampa Bay  +17.1
  • Toronto  +12.8 

Yesterday I mentioned that when I start to update my daily UBWS statistics for each #Major League Baseball team, I first do the following steps:

  1. Determine the number of wins.
  2. Determine the number of losses.
  3. Subtract the number of losses from the number of wins to get a positive or negative score.

Let's apply the above UBWS steps to Boston and its division:

  • Boston:  48 wins, 33 losses, difference of +15, final total of +31.2
  • Baltimore:  44 wins, 36 losses, difference of +8, final total of +24.4
  • New York Yankees:  42 wins, 36 losses, difference of +6, final total of +21.8
  • Tampa Bay:  41 wins, 38 losses, difference of +3, final total of +17.1
  • Toronto:  38 wins, 39 losses, difference of 0, final total of 12.8
All of these teams still have a chance for this year's playoffs, with a higher final score indicating a better chance. Soon we shall add other UBWS statistics to give you a better picture of our division.

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