SPORTS REPORT: June 26, 2013

Concerning Boston Red Sox

 The Boston Red Sox won last night's game against the Colorado Rockies 11-4. The Baltimore Orioles, the New York Yankees, and the Tampa Bay Rays also won yesterday, while Toronto lost. How does this affect the Eastern Division of the American League (AL)?

 We measure a Major League Baseball team's performance using some statistics which produce what we call an "Unless Big Winning Streak" score.Once a team reached a negative score, UBWS it is impossible to make it to the postseason.Here are today's UBWS scores for the Eastern Division of the AL:

  • Boston: +29.6
  • New York Yankees: +25.2
  • Baltimore: +24.8
  •  Tampa Bay: +18.8
  • Toronto: +13.2
At the moment, all of these teams are a good bit above the negative zone.However, a short while ago, Toronto was near that zone. UBWS the Blue Jays were in trouble. So, the team started a big winning streak. It cut in half its distance from the division leader. Briefly, it even climbed out of last place in the division.

Soon we shall look at other UBWS statistics, apart from the final score. If you want to know the UBWS score for any other Major League Baseball teams, just let me know.

Concerning Boston Celtics

There are many conjectures about the upcoming version of the Boston Celtics. I shall comment on the team soon, when some things settle down.

Concerning Boston Bruins

I was really impressed by the support that Boston community gave the Boston Bruins Monday night after their loss to the Chicago Blackhawks in the Stanley Cup Final game. I was on Twitter at the end of the Bruins' game. Several Red Sox, Celtics, and Patriot fans congratulated our hockey team on the great series that they played. In Boston all sports are part of the city's life. We support all of our local professional teams.

PD: I was previously writing an English version and a Spanish version version of these articles on this blog. Since not everyone is bilingual, I decided to move the Spanish version to its own blog:

Two consulting links that I use:


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