SPORTS REPORT: 6-27-2013

Concerning Boston Red Sox

 Today is symbolically important for the #Boston Red Sox. First, of course, the Red Sox beat the Colorado Rockies last night 5-3. John Lackey and two relievers pitched well. Boston's batters, especially Shane Victorino, also did well. Secondly, tonight's game marks the halfway point of this season. If the Red Sox win tonight, they will be more than halfway to my expected season's results (81-81). They would also be a half game beyond my dream for this season's results (95-67). And, of course, Boston is in good shape to reach last season's win total (69) perhaps in late July or early August. 

 Concerning Boston's #UBWS (Unless Big Win Streak) statistics, the team is once again over thirty, +30.4 to be exact. The Red Sox had slipped a little bit due to recent losses at Detroit. They made up ground by beating the Rockies in their short series. The Eastern Division of the America League now looks like the following:

  •  Boston  +30.4
  • New York Yankees  +24.0
  • Baltimore  +23.6
  • Tampa Bay  +17.6
  • Toronto  +15.0
 When I start to update my daily UBWS statistics for each #Major League Baseball team, I start with the following three steps:

  1. Determine number of wins.
  2. Determine number of losses.
  3. Subtrast number of losses from wins to get a positive or negative total.
 Any negative UBWS score at this point indicates that UBWS, it will be difficult for a team to get to the postseason.Try this with some other teams. Laster we shall give you more of the UBWS statistics.

Concerning Boston Celtics

I had mixed feelings as I read about Doc Rivers officially leaving the #Boston Celtics to become the head coach of the Los Angeles Clippers, pending league approval, if I understand it right. Now he can feel even a more intense rivalry with the Los Angeles Lakers, sharing the same city with them. Seriously, I desire him the best personally, and also professionally, except when he coaches against the Celtics. He impresses me as an intelligent, honorable, "people" person. Those qualities helped him to do a good job here. In nine years he had "a record of 416-305 during the regular season and 59-47 during the postseason," including seven playoff appearances, one trip to the NBA Finals, and one NBA championship.

We shall miss Doc Rivers, both personally and professionally. Maybe if we had had another "people" person working with him, we would not have lost Ray Allen last year and now Doc Rivers himself. And who knows how well his replacement will relate to present and future team players, both veterans and less veterans?

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