July 21, 2013

About the #BostonRedSox

Yesterday, the Boston Red Sox, the Eastern Division Leaders of the American League (now with a record of 59 wins and 40 losses and a UBWS (#UnlessBigWinningStreak) composite score of +31.6), lost their game to the New York Yankees (now with a record of 52 wins and 45 losses and a UBWS composite score of +17.5). The final score was 5-2 in favor of New York.

For the first four (4) innings John Lackey for Boston and Hiroki Kuroda for New York matched each other in a scoreless pitchers' duel. In the fifth inning the Yankees scored a (1) run, and in the seventh inning they added three (3) more. They assured themselves of the victory with some good relief pitching and a final run in the ninth inning. The Red Sox batters had seven (7) hits, three (3) from Mike Carp, two (2) from David Ortiz, and two (2) from the rest of the team.

Yesterday in the Eastern Division of the American League, Tampa Bay, Baltimore, and the Yankees all won their respective games. Boston and Toronto lost their games.

Today's game ends the three-game series between the eternal rivals. Ryan Dempster is expected to start for Boston and C.C. Sabathia for the Yankees.

The Boston Red Sox currently have a game and a half (1.5) lead over the second-place Tampa Bay Rays who have a UBWS score of +28.8 and a wild-card position at this moment. On Tuesday these two (2) teams begin a series in Boston. Don't miss it!

The Red Sox still need eleven (11) more wins to reach their first objective of breaking the record of wins (69) won by last year's team. Their UBWS statistics are the following:

  • Boston Red Sox
  • Number of Wins= 59
  • Number of Losses= 40
  • Difference of +19
  • Remaining Games in Regular Season= 63
  • Ten Per Cent of Remaining Games= 6.3
  • First Total: Difference + 10% = 19 + 6.3 = 25.3
  • Games Behind Divisional Leader= 0
  • Games Behind Wild-Card Leaders= 0
  • Better of Two Previous Numbers= 0
  • Ten Per Cent of Remaining Games= 6.3
  • Second Total: 10% - Better of Two Numbers = 6.3 -0 = 6.3
  • Final Composite Score: Add Two Previous Totals: 25.3 + 6.3 = +31.6
Let's go, Red Sox! Let's try for another victory over those New York Yankees!  


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