About the Boston Red Sox

Monday night, the Seattle Mariners (now with 40 wins and 49 losses) beat the #BostonRedSox (now with 54 wins and 37 losses), leaders of the Eastern Division of the American League, by the final score of 11-4. The game was tied 0-0 until the bottom of the fourth inning.

Last night's loss dropped Boston's composite score to +31.2 according to the UBWS (#UnlessBigWinningStreak) statistics. Jon Lester pitched five (5) innings, allowing five (5) runs. The two (2) relievers who followed him, Alex Wilson and José de La Torre, finished the game, allowing three (3) runs each. Boston's batters had ten (10) hits, with Daniel Nava and David Ortiz getting two (2) hits each.

Yesterday, in the Eastern Division, only Tampa Bay won a game. Boston, Baltimore, and the Yankees all lost. Toronto had a day off.

Tonight the Red Sox play the second game of their four-game series at the Mariners' ballpark. This is also the fifth of ten (10) games that Boston will play on this road trip. It is expected that Allen Webster will start for the Red Sox and Hisashi Iwakuma for the Mariners.

As of today, the composite UBWS score for each team in the Eastern Division is the following:

  • Boston  +31.2
  • Tampa Bay  +24.4
  •  Baltimore  +21.4
  • Yankees  +20.1
  • Toronto  +6.8
Let's apply all the UBWS statistics to the Red Sox:

  • Boston
  • Wins= 54
  • Losses= 37
  • Difference of +17
  • Remaining Regular-Season Games= 71
  • 10% of Remaining Regular-Season Games= 7.1
  • First Total= 24.1 (17 + 7.1)
  • Games Behind Division Leader= 0
  • Games Behind Wild-Card Leaders= 0
  • Better of Two Previous Numbers= 0
  • 10% of Remaining Regular-Season Games= 7.1
  • Second Total=  +7.1 (7.1 - 0)
  • Final Composite Score= 31.2 (24.1 + 7.1)
Three (3) teams from the Eastern Division, Tampa Bay, Baltimore, and the Yankees, are constantly competing against each other to obtain second place in their division, which means closing in on first-place Boston or winning a wild-card spot for the playoffs. Right now, before taking into account today's results, Tampa Bay is three and a half (3.5) games behind Boston and beating both Baltimore and the Yankees. Let's look at Tampa Bay's UBWS statistics:

  • Tampa Bay
  • Wins= 50
  • Losses= 40
  • Difference of +10
  • Remaining Regular-Season Games= 72
  • 10% of Remaining Regular-Season Games= 7.2
  • First Total= 17.2 (10 + 7.2)
  • Games Behind Divisional Leader= -3.5
  • Games Behind Wild-Card Leaders= 0
  • Better of Two Previous Numbers= 0
  • 10% of Remaining Regular-Season Games= 7.2
  • Second Total=  +7.2 (7.2 - 0)
  • Final Composite Score= 24.4 (17.2 + 7.2)
If you would like to know about these statistics for any other Major League Baseball team, just let us know.

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